Northeastern UniversityJanuary 2024 - Present

Teaching Assistant

Skills Learned: Communication, Lecturing, Public Speaking, Tutoring, Code Comprehension, Java, Object-Oriented Programming

Currently, I am a teaching assistant (TA) for Fundamentals of Computer Science II, a Khoury College of Computer Science course which introduces students to programming in object-oriented languages by teaching Java. In addition to normal TA duties, I am also a lab lead (explained below). As a TA, my responsibilities are the following:

Overall Experience

So far, I've loved my experience as a TA. I've enjoyed teaching others about coding and watching students just like me take a similar journey into learning about object-oriented programming. I like talking with my students, conversing with other TAs, and feeling like my interactions have a positive impact on the people around me. Through teaching these topics, I've seen my own skills improve and my knowledge with programming sharpen. The best part of the job is seeing a student struggling with a topic, helping them improve their knowledge, and then watching as they use your lessons to write amazing code. I can't wait to assist more students in the future.